Saturday, October 7, 2017

Beautiful Architecture can be made from Shipping Containers

Hechingen Studio from Whitaker Studio on Vimeo.


Start with: 
shipping containers
the desert 
& a talented designer
(James Whitaker)
London-based designer James Whitaker started with the idea of conjoined shipping containers to visualize this 200-Sq ft house, which will have a kitchen, a living room, and three bedrooms with en-suite baths for a client's property in Joshua Tree, California. The home, which will be called The Joshua Tree Residence, will create the illusion of a flower blooming in the desert.
The design and the location site are both beautiful, and the power will be provided through solar panels. (Speaking of solar, a home made from metal shipping containers in a hot desert... might have multiple downsides (very hot walls).
(Source: Photos courtesy of Whitaker Studio, content information from  link )

Until later,

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1 comment:

  1. Wow that is truly impressive architecture made with those shipping containers. Nice pictures!
