New Art's "Millennium Cocktail"
New Art's "Millennium Cocktail"
The Current Era in Art
(Editorial by Jack A. Atkinson)
Ever since 2001 I have been wondering what the next phase, epoch, -ism or era of art the 21st century would reveal. The statement (below) best sums up the current direction, this new International mix of multi-faced artworks and exhibitions, seem to possess.
New Art's "Millennium Cocktail"
Things are opening up in the art world, into a new convergence - a blurring of boundaries is occurring, between the different media: 2-D and 3-D art; design; film; performance; audio/music; dance; fashion; etc. - all shown in the same museum and art spaces! Art isn't just something to look at any more, it's something to experience. The works have become environmental, or there is a social aspect, or there is a sound aspect. Artists and audiences want to participate in this whole new mix, reinventing what art is and reinventing the art experience!
(This statement was paraphrased from Jesse Dylan's interview with Jeffery Deitch. See August 8, ARTSnFOOD.)
Now we just need to name our new era! "Art21" is one possible name and Pluralism has been over-used, (meaning many styles at once). I personally don't think Pluralism is a good fit for the diversity of disciplines and hopefully the 21st Century will have plenty of surprises for us and new art forms in the next 87 years.
(note: Because this is also the first simultaneous, international, art movement, cocktail is specifically used because it is a word which is pronounced the same, with the same meaning in almost every language.)

Let the dialogue and
"Name Game" begin!
(All photography for the above artworks was gathered from ARTSnFOOD library files or supplied by the press departments of various museums.)
Stuffed Jalapeños!
Until later,
Stuffed Jalapeños!
Only four ingredients, LOW in CARBs and delicious! These are gone in minutes at any gathering... they are seriously HOT "n" Good!!!
1 lb ground HOT sausage
22 jalapeños
1- 8 oz block cream cheese, softened
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat over 425. Cook sausage until browned. Set aside. Mix cream cheese with Parmesan cheese. Add cooked sausage and mix well. Rinse jalapeños. Cut each jalapeño lengthwise and remove seeds. Stuff jalapeños with sausage mixture.
Cook (on a large baking pan) for 20 minutes until the tops are golden brown.
Until later,
ARTSnFOOD, is an online publication dedicated to "The Pursuit of Happiness through the Arts and Food." ™ All rights reserved for all content. Concept, Original Art, Text & "Original & Assigned Photography" are © Copyright 2013 Jack A. Atkinson under all International intellectual property and copyright laws. All photographs were taken and/or used with permission. Artworks © individual artists, fabricators, respective owners or assignees.
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