Art Across
America 2012
A survey of Art from
The Cherry Creek
Arts Festival,
Denver, CO
For three-days in early July, the Cherry Creek Arts Festival in Denver, Colorado is a world renowned art happening. It is ranked as the "Number One Fine Arts / Fine Crafts Festival" in the United States. Below, and in the following issue* of ARTSnFOOD, we show a few samples of the art most of America enjoys and buys.
Martin Lambuth, Denver, CO (Paintings of Junked Trucks)
Martin Lambuth from Denver, CO said:
"Anytime we drive out of town, we take the back roads and make notes of the mile markers or exit locations for the various junk rusting in the fields. Then on our way back, we stop, I make sketches and take reference photos for my paintings. My art process is my own unique way of painting - with bits of plastic credit cards, instead of brushes"
Sarah Giannobile, St. Louis - Drawings & Paintings
Painter Sarah Giannobile from St. Louis, MO said:
"People want to buy art that makes them happy! That's my observation of why people buy my art, which is abstract. Many people have trouble with abstraction, they want realism, but the interior designers ALL love my work."
Dean Lucker & Ann Wood, St. Paul, MN - Animatronic Paintings & Sculpture
Animatronic Sculpture |
Dean Lucker from St. Paul, MN said:
"Ann does all of the paintings and the decorating of the sculptures, I carve the sculptures and I do the animatronics on them and in Ann's paintings. We also create games - we like the idea of interactivity. And yes we went to see the movie HUGO!"
Steven Olszewinski, Pincney, MI - Ceramic Sculptures
Ceramicist Steven Olszewinski from Pincney, MI said:
"These sculptures are all made from clay using a raku process. I enjoy the unknown qualities that the fire adds. To slow fire them I cover them in flaming sawdust."
Joachim Knill, Hannibal, MO - Conceptual Artist / Painter
Artist Joachim Knill from Hannibal, MO said:
"This is an installation and an exhibit of individual paintings. They are ALL for sale, both at the same time or individually. It is a comment."
Anthony Hansen, Morro Bay, CA - "Stop Sign" abstraction
Brian McGuffey, Seattle, WA
Carl Zahmann, Fergus Falls, MN
Peter Karner, Hesperus, CO
Terrie Mangat, El Prado, NM, Quilt
Melissa Dominiak, Hannibal, MO, Chair Portraits
Bill Starke, Denver, CO, Bronze Sculptures
Angie Pickman, Lawrence, KS, cut paper
Barbara & Guy Beals, Bailey, CO at Blossoms Shop
Benjamin Frey, Buena Vista, VA - Drawing
Betsy Youngquist, Rockford, IL
Casey Sheppard (right) - jewelry
Chris Dahlquist, Kansas City, MO "Places we must be mindful to notice." - photography
Chris Vance, Bondurant, IA
Dean Lucker & Ann Wood, St. Paul, MN - game
Dean Lucker & Ann Wood
St. Paul, MN
Animatronic Sculpture
Denis Roussel,
Boulder, CO
wet-plate collodion original
Denis Roussel, Boulder, CO - ink-jet print, from the wet-plate collodion original
Donovan Palmquist, Farmington, MN - ceramics
Ellie Rusinova & Brandan Styles, Denver, CO
Jeffrey Raasch
Milwaukee, WI
Jennifer McCurdy, Vineyard Haven, MA - ceramics
Joachin Knill, Hannibal, MO - painting
Kina Crow, ceramics, "What are we waiting for?"
Kostas Ulevicius, St. Petersburg, FL, - ceramics
Kristin Gereau, Waukesha, WI - arm warmers
Lillis Taylor (fashion designer) & Trey Taylor (painter), Birmingham, AL
Original prints of Trey's paintings designed into Lillis's dresses.
Mandrake Mantle, Seattle, WA - miniature paintings
Martin Lambuth, Denver, CO "Night Truck" - painting
All photos above, were taken with the permission of the artists.
Art Across America CONTINUES in the issue below.
Summer Garden Casserole
1 eggplant, unpeeled, sliced in 1/3" thick rounds
3 medium tomatoes, sliced
4 hard boiled eggs, chopped
4 slices Pepper Jack cheese 4" x 4"
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons minced fresh basil (can substitute1 tbsp dried)
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley (can substitute 1 tbsp dried)
Breadcrumbs, fresh or Progresso bought plain bread crumbs
Slice the eggplant and soak in salted water for 20 to 30 minutes. I put a colander on top anda small cutting board to weigh the eggplant down, and keep them submerged.
Remove eggplant onto paper towels and pat dry. Saute eggplant slices in some olive oil until browned on both sides.
Lightly grease a 8"x8" baking dish with spray oil or butter. Transfer the sautéed eggplant slices onto the bottom of the baking dish, layering is quite OK.
Cover eggplant with a layer or layers of sliced tomatoes.
Sprinkle the basil, parsley and chopped garlic on top.
Sprinkle the casserole with Parmesan cheese.
Put on a layer of chopped, hard boiled eggs.
Cover chopped eggs with squares of Pepper Jack cheese.
Sprinkle the bread crumbs on top of the cheese to cover.
Spray the crumbs with oil, to help them toast (alternatives to spray oil are to drizzle with olive oil or melted butter).
Bake uncovered for 20-30 minutes in a 425* oven, until cheese is melted and bread crumbs have browned.
Remove from oven and let the casserole rest for 10 minutes.
Serve warm, or at room temperature.
Leftovers may be refrigerated (but not frozen) - microwave to re-heat or it is also good served cold.
(Source: Atkinson Family Cookbook)
Vegan: excludes ALL animal products, including eggs, dairy, gelatin and honey.
Semi-Vegetarian: include eggs, dairy, fish and some people include poultry.
"In the Pursuit of Happiness, Arts & Food"
An online publication primarily focused on the Visual Arts and Food. All rights reserved. Concept and Original Text and Photos © Copyright Jack A. Atkinson, 2012 - under ALL international intellectual property and copyright laws. Gallery, museum, studio, art fair/festival, performance and all photos were taken with permission or were provided with permission. Artworks are © individual artists, fabricators, respective owners or assignees.
More Artists Across N. America 2012 -The Cherry Cr...