Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Nicolas Cage - Face Swap Favorite! (Going Viral) FOOD: Dark Chocolate Chip & Oatmeal Cookies

A cat with a "Nicolas Cage Face Swap" (using Photoshop), the latest in visual puns!
Going Viral
Nicolas Cage
is Famously
in Photoshop
Face Swaps!

For some reason, Nicolas Cage's face has become photoshopped onto all living creatures, great and small. In the world of "Photoshop Face Swaps", Nicolas Cage seems to be every bored graphic designer's favorite face to swap!

Not much else to say here, except… ENJOY!


Photoshop Face Swaps with Nicolas Cage! 

All images are paradies and came from various websites using "grabbed" photographs of Nicolas Cage

Dark Chocolate Chip
& Oatmeal Cookies

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  • 2 sticks of butter 
    1 cup packed brown sugar 
    1/2 cup white sugar 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • (run the oatmeal through the food processor, before adding them to the cookie batter)
  • 2 cups extra dark chocolate chips
  • - Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Brush baking sheets lightly with vegetable oil.
  • - Combine flour, salt and baking soda on waxed paper.
  • - Beat together shortening, sugars and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer until creamy. Add eggs and beat until light and fluffy.
  • - Gradually beat in flour mixture. Stir in processed oats and then dark chocolate chips.
  • - Drop batter by rounded teaspoons onto baking sheets. Bake for 11 minutes or until golden. Cool cookies on sheets for 2 minutes, then remove to wire racks to cool completely.
(Original recipe, makes 7 dozen cookies)

Until Later,


Also Going Viral
"Tree Change Dolls"
are re-worked
"Bratz" Dolls 

Another interesting viral phenomena happening online in Reddit, Facebook and Tumblr pages, are the handiwork of an Australian mother, Sonia Singh. She has named her work, "Tree Change Dolls".

Left - a "Bratz" face. Right - Sonja Singh's hand painted creation, a "Tree Change Doll".
It is the same doll head, but the original paint has been removed
and a new face repainted with softer more natural features.
Just for fun, the stay at home mom, bought some used "Bratz" dolls from several second hand stores, removed the paint on the faces and repainted her faces onto them. She swapped-out the high-maintenance glitz'n'glamour for a more down-to-earth, natural appearance. 

The sexualization choice of heavy face make-up, with the large dark eyes and the giant painted lips was what the manufacturer perceived the market wants - the dolls young girls want to play with. The manufactured "Bratz" dolls tend more toward a celebrity image, or even celebrity want-to-be teens. Both types of people her neighborhood's kids have never known. 

The children in Sonia's neighborhood, feel her "Tree Change Dolls" are friendlier. They can relate to them and think of them as their same age. "Tree Change Dolls" look normal, like people the kids actually know.

Those who have seen the transformations Sonja makes in these dolls say, "THEY LOOK SO MUCH HAPPIER NOW!"

Sonia's response to all of this attention for what she thought was just a hobby: "What is my business plan? Whoa!?! I am not a doll manufacturer and I don't really want to be. If something comes of this, then that will be good."

Before as a "Bratz"
and after as a
Tree Change Doll

Before and after.

"Bratz" Dolls

Repainted, re-clothed "Bratz" Dolls changed into Tree Change Dolls.

ARTSnFOOD, is an online publication dedicated to "The Pursuit of Happiness through the Arts and Food." ™ All rights reserved. Concept, Original Art, Text & Photographs are © Copyright 2015 Jack A. Atkinson under all International intellectual property and copyright laws. Any gallery, event, museum, fair or festival photographs were taken with permission. Images © individual artists, fabricators, respective owners or assignees.